Archive for March 12, 2013


Hamilton has announced that he would like to challenge Alonso this season, as in his opinion Alonso is the fastest man on the racing track. The rivalry between Hamilton and Alonso started in 2007 when they were team mates driving for McLaren. It has been stated that McLaren, a British F1 team was favouring Lewis Hamilton who is of British nationality, over Alonso who is not British. This animosity flowed onto the two drivers, although neither of the drivers had publicly stated the facts about the animosity or if any existed at all.

Alonso had signed a 3 year contract with McLaren commencing 2007 and expiring 2010. Due to the severity of the matter both parties, McLaren and Alonso agreed on ending the contract after one year. Now six years later, Hamilton who has also departed from McLaren, has stated that he would love to beat the Spaniard, Alonso in 2013. Hamilton’s statement was surprising, as one would think that he would rather challenge the world title from Vettel. But as the story is unfolding, one can only assume that a feud between Hamiltom and Alonso existed and is still continuing.

Both Hamilton and Alonso are previous world champions. Alonso was world Champion in 2005 and 2006 driving then for Renault whereas Hamilton had been world champion while driving for McLaren in 2008.
Hamilton and Alonso are both experienced racing drivers even though their driving skills differ. Hamilton is an aggressive driver that takes unnecessary risk and who will use any lawful trick to win a race. Alonso on the other hand is a much more mature driver who will rather take calculating risks. He is also aware that in winning championships it is about finishing racers and to accumulate maximum points.

Hamilton has signed a three year contract with Mercedes and is third fastest in the pre season testing in Barcelona, Spain. His team mate Niko Rosberg was fastest followed by Alonso. Hamilton said that Alonso (who had left McLaren to drive for Ferrari) is the fastest racing driver on the track.

Ferrari had made the most improvements to their cars, but they were by far slower than the Red Bull Racing team and McLaren, and even slower than the Lotus driven by Raikkonen. This year if the testing in Barcelona is anything to go by, then Ferrari is right up with the best.

If one takes the times set at Barcelona into consideration, and if Hamilton has his target set on Alonso, then he would automatically be line for the winning championship. Alonso has proven in the previous two years that he can be extremely competitive even with a slower car; one can speculate that he will be the driver to beat since he has a much faster car for the 2013 season.

Vettel who is the reigning world champion for the last three seasons was only able to set the twelfth fastest time in Barcelona.

